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Preplanning your funeral is an important step to consider when organising your estate, while also protecting your loved ones from unnecessary stress and expenses.
In this article, we'll guide you through the process of preplanning your funeral, and explain why it's a smart decision to make.
Preplanning your funeral is a way for you to support your family in making difficult decisions during an already emotional time. It's also an opportunity for you to be able to make your final wishes known and helps to ensure they are honoured. By preplanning your funeral, you have the choice to choose the type of service you want, where you want it to be held and whether you want a burial or cremation.Pre-arranging your funeral and paying costs in advance can also save you and your family money.
are three important reasons why you should consider preplanning your funeral:
By preplanning your funeral, you can help alleviate some of the burden your family will face when making difficult decisions during a very emotionally challenging time. Preplanning can also help relieve the financial burden of having to pay for a funeral, which can be a significant expense.
Preplanning your funeral gives you the opportunity to determine how you want to be remembered. You can specify whether you want a burial or cremation, a traditional funeral service or a celebration of life. By doing this, you ensure that your final wishes are honoured and that your loved ones know how you want to be remembered.
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Pre arranging your funeral can help reduce the upfront costs and financial burden on your family. You're also able to take advantage of current prices and lock in a price, which means you'll pay less than if you were to pay for your funeral in the future.
When you decide to preplan your funeral, there are several decisions you'll need to make. Here are some things to consider:
You'll need to consider the cost of the funeral and decide whether you want to prepay for the service or take out funeral insurance.
You'll need to decide whether you want a traditional funeral or something different. You'll also need to choose where to host the funeral and specify music, religious guidelines and additional services.
Deciding how you want your body to be laid to rest is an important decision to make. If you prefer burial, you'll need to research casket options. Alternatively, you can choose from different types of cremation. Consider which option aligns with your values and beliefs.
You can choose the music and readings that you want to be played at your service.
You can choose the flowers you want to be displayed at your service.
You can specify any other requests you have for your funeral service, such as a dress code, a specific type of coffin or urn, or a particular type of food or drink to be served at your wake.
In Australia, there are three options for pre-arranging a funeral: prepaid funerals, funeral insurance, and funeral bonds. Here's what you need to know about each option:
Prepaid funerals involve an agreement between you and a funeral home or service provider. You make full payment or instalment payments that cover the cost of your funeral service in the future. When the time comes, the money you paid goes towards your funeral. This option allows you to lock in a price and typically saves you money over the long term.
Funeral insurance can help your loved ones meet unexpected funeral costs by providing payment to assist with funeral expenses. However, depending on the provider, policies may only cover accidental death in the first 12 months and premiums can increase as you age. It's essential to read the fine print before committing to a policy.
Funeral bonds are an investment that enables you to accumulate funds to meet future funeral expenses. Investing in a funeral bond is similar to life insurance, whereby the benefit is payable on death. However, it's important to note that unlike a prepaid funeral, a funeral bond goes towards the funeral expense but does not guarantee full coverage.
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If you don't preplan your funeral, the burden of making decisions about your funeral arrangements falls on your loved ones, who may be dealing with a lot of emotions and stress. This can be a difficult and overwhelming task, especially if they are not sure what you would have wanted.
Not preplanning your funeral can also result in higher costs. Without prearranged plans, your family may have to make decisions about your funeral arrangements quickly and this may result in rushed or costly choices
If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure about how to preplan your funeral, you can speak to a professional funeral director who can help guide you through the process. They can provide advice on the different options available, answer any questions you may have and help ensure that your wishes are carried out.
Preplanning your funeral is a way to take control of your end-of-life plans and ensure that your wishes are honoured. It can alleviate stress and financial burden for your loved ones and give you peace of mind knowing that your final send-off will reflect your life and your legacy.