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BOB WILKINSON Lynn, Rhonda and Michelle would like to thank everyone who attended Bob's funeral, for all the kind words, cards and flowers. Special thanks to Dot Orchard, and Todd Usher from Lismore Funerals Days will pass and turn into years, but we will forever remember you with a silent …

Tribute notice for

Publication: Northern Star
Date Listed: 15/9/2018

BOB WILKINSON Lynn, Rhonda and Michelle would like to thank everyone who attended Bob's funeral, for all the kind words, cards and flowers. Special thanks to Dot Orchard, and Todd Usher from Lismore Funerals Days will pass and turn into years, but we will forever remember you with a silent tear We miss you Dad

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BOB WILKINSON Lynn, Rhonda and Michelle would like to thank everyone who attended Bob's funeral, for all the kind words, cards and flowers. Special thanks to Dot Orchard, and Todd Usher from Lismore Funerals Days will pass and turn into years, but we will forever remember you with a silent …

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