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ALLURU, Venkat Sesha Talpasai

Tribute notice for

ALLURU, Venkat Sesha Talpasai

17/06/1945 - 20/04/2024
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Publications: Digital
Date Listed: 22/4/2024
Location: Sydney

It is with great sadness and grief I announce the passing away of my maternal uncle Alluru Venkat Sesha Talpasai on 20 April 2024 in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. A great personal loss and a loss to society. He was a very good family man and a good doctor who served the society selflessly.

He had a beautiful smile and was very kind to me and my family. Only his memories remain and we are going to miss him immensely. I still remember the time I spent with him as a child and during my college days. I remember the gifts he bought me when he returned from overseas. I and my family visited him in his family home in Hyderabad, India. I will never forget this occasion.

I Raja Banda and family Rajini, Rama and Shanti express deep gratitude and condolences to our beloved uncle. Life is not the same anymore for us and We are going to miss him forever.

17/06/1945 - 20/04/2024

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ALLURU, Venkat Sesha Talpasai

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