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Tribute notice for

Bryan Richardson

Publication: Queensland Times
Date Listed: 7/2/2020
Location: Ipswich

In Loving Memory Of


13-2-1944 - 7-2-2016

Bryan, no matter how our lives may change

or whatever we may do,

We will never forget the special years

The ones we shared with you.

You did so many things for us

Your heart was kind and true

and when we needed love and support

We could always count on you.

We think of you with love and pride

and do it every day

Remembering you is easy

For you are never far away

We hold you close within our hearts

And there you will remain

to walk and guide us through our lives

Until we meet again..

Sadly missed, loved always,

never forgotten

your wife Julie, sons Jason, Marcus, David and their Families.

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