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RICHARDS- ALFRED CARL (BOODY) 5/5/1957 - 4/4/2015

Tribute notice for

RICHARDS- ALFRED CARL (BOODY) 5/5/1957 - 4/4/2015

Publication: The Cairns Post
Date Listed: 4/4/2019
Location: Cairns


5/5/1957 - 4/4/2015

My mind knows you are in a better place,

Where there is no pain, You are at peace.

I understand that, I just wish I couldexplain that to my HEART.

Sadly Remembered by your Family,


Jerro, Blame, Waves, Fred and their Families.

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RICHARDS- ALFRED CARL (BOODY) 5/5/1957 - 4/4/2015

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