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ZUCCO, Rosaria (Rose)

Tribute notice for

ZUCCO, Rosaria (Rose)

Publication: The Cairns Post
Date Listed: 8/12/2020
Location: Cairns

ZUCCO, Rosaria (Rose)
 10/5/1930 - 8/12/2018
In Loving Memory of Our Dearest Mother Rose

Two years have slowly passed
But still we don’t forget In the hearts of those who loved you
Your sweet memories linger yet
Thoughts go back to a bygone day
Life’s moved on but memories stay It is on this day, as it dawns another year
That we treasure all the memories of those days when you were here
We reflect on the years we spent together
Just know Dear Mother the memories we will hold forever
No words can take away the pain we still feel today
But we look forward to the day we reunite to stay
Sadly missed and eternally remembered.

Forever in our hearts, your loving children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren

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ZUCCO, Rosaria (Rose)

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