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30TH Batt. A.I.F

Death notice for

30TH Batt. A.I.F

Publication: The Daily Telegraph
Date Listed: 18/7/2012

30TH Batt. A.I.FADAMS, JohnRobert (Jack)Late of Wyong, formerly of Balmain and BondiLoved brother of Dorothy (deceased). Much cherished uncle of Gil Watson, Patricia and Ross Clifford, Margaret and Bob Wheeler, Christine and David Coombs and their families.Aged 97 YearsSadly MissedA Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of JACK will be celebrated on Thursday 19th July, 2012 at St Augustine's Catholic Church, Eaton Street, Balmain commencing at 12 noon. On conclusion of the Mass following the prayers the cortege will proceed to the Field of Mars Catholic Cemetery.MANNINGS FUNERALSALL SUBURBSProudly Australian Ownedand Family Operated9555 7551 ... FI

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30TH Batt. A.I.F

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