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Death notice for

ANDERSON, Janet Helen

01/03/1929 - 13/12/2024
Publication: Herald Sun
Date Listed: 17/12/2024
Location: Melbourne

1/3/1929 — 13/12/2024
Passed away peacefully aged 95 years.
Loved and loving wife of Bruce for 72 years.
Mother and mother-in-law to Robyn and Ken, Colin and Mikako.
Grandmother to Michelle and Simon, Nicole and Dom, Christopher and Leila, Monica, and
Great Grandmother to Finlay, Poppy, Lachlan, Oliver, Ruby, Joshua, Owen and Yennefer.
You are now at peace.
We will love and remember you forever.

01/03/1929 - 13/12/2024

Funeral Director information

Funeral by : Tobin Brothers Funerals Doncaster


Phone number : 039840...

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