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Death notice for

BAKER, Benjamin

Publication: Centralian Advocate
Date Listed: 16/3/2019

BAKER, Benjamin

A beautiful soul, much loved husband and devoted father. Taken too soon; we love you. To my darling husband, I miss you so much - you are my best friend, my soul mate. Thank you for being the light of my life, my true love. I am eternally grateful for my time with you on this earth to grow together. Our 4 beautiful children, Ruby, Archie, Harry and Evie adore you and will always remember your incredible patience, your kind heart and your raucous laugh. We are so proud of you, forever in my heart. "Little One" xoxoxo Dearest Daddy, Why did you have to go? We will miss your cuddles and very funny jokes. We will miss your smile with 1 dimple and your big loud laughter. We will miss shooting hoops with you and your funny made up songs. We miss you so much, we will love you forever. Lots of love Ruby (Rubes), Archie (Cheech), Harry (Hazard) and Evie (Eve's). xoxoxoxo

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