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Death notice for

Bernie MACK

Publication: Herald Sun
Date Listed: 11/10/2012

MACK. _ Bernie. Passed away peacefully on Oct. 6, 2012. Great friend and associate for over 25 years. True friendship is found not in the good times but in difficult times. Only then do people show their true colours. Your willingness to help us will never be forgotten. I already miss the obligatory "what's happening" call to start the day, followed by a list of instructions. Many who worked for you or just knew you, experienced your generosity and willingness to forgive, when most would not have. Through the highs and the lows, you were always up for a lunch or a fireside drink to talk things over and prepare positive plans for the future. We know you will already be in that very special collectors room in the sky trying to buy low and sell high. May all accidents in Heaven be towed by Mack Towing and repaired in your panel shops. Our sympathies and support to Jason and all the Mack family. _ Ken, Karyn, Chris and Lauren Eagle.

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