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BOCK, Brian

Death notice for

BOCK, Brian

09/12/1932 - 16/08/2022
Publications: Digital
Date Listed: 21/8/2022
Location: North Lakes

To our darling father (Dad), Sister, grandfather (Poppy), father-in-law and brother in Law,

Words cannot express how sad we are all feeling at the moment.

You were an amazing man of so many talents: teacher, umpire, musician, entertainer and author of murder mysteries and books on education reform. (Books and cd's available on Amazon!).

Your music and Paintings will always be with us and we don't believe you have played your final song.

We love you Dad, Brian & Poppy. xxoo

Lots and Lots of love Liz, Andrew, Jill, Darren, Mark, Ben, Jess, Sarah & Ben P.

Funeral arrangements to be advised shortly.

09/12/1932 - 16/08/2022

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BOCK, Brian

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