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Death notice for

BRUNO, Carmela (née De Lise)

Publication: The Advertiser
Date Listed: 19/1/2024
Location: Adelaide

Born in Grimaldi,

Prov. Cosenza, Italy

on July 14, 1924.

Passed away in Adelaide

on January 9, 2024.

Reunited with her

Husband Rosario

and her Son Robert.

Loved by her Children,

Maria, John, Ann, Frank,

Peter, Mario and

their respective partners.

Cherished and adored

Nonna and Bisnonna.

Special thanks to the

staff at ACH Kapara for

their care of Carmela.

Riposa in Pace.

As per Carmela's wishes

a private service was held.

South Plympton: 8371 1002

Accredited Member A.F.D.A.

Funeral Director information

Funeral by : Alfred James & Sons Unley


Phone number : 088272...

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