Harry Houdini
Discover the life of Harry Houdini, legendary escape artist and magician, including his groundbreaking performances and aviation feats in Australia.
It is with sadness that we announce the death of our Sister, Margaret Carroll. Margaret died peacefully on Wednesday night, 3 July. She was in her 94th year and her 71st year as a Presentation Sister.
Margaret was a woman of faith, wisdom and vision whose warmth and friendliness endeared her to all. She valued community and gave herself generously in her various ministries over these many years. Her gift of leadership was greatly appreciated in both our Congregation and in wider Church circles.
She will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her.
Our gratitude goes to all who cared so devotedly for Margaret – our staff at Star of the Sea and the staff at O’Neill House
Funeral by : Frances Tobin Funerals by Women
Website: https://tobinbrothers.com.au
Phone number : 039596...