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D'APICE, Giovanni

Death notice for

D'APICE, Giovanni

11/02/1932 - 20/06/2024
Publication: The Advertiser
Date Listed: 24/6/2024
Location: St Morris

D'APICE, Giovanni

Mio caro marito, Grazie per 62 anni di matrimonio, abbiamo fatto un lungo cammino insieme. Tutto la tua vita è stato sempre dedicato alla tua famiglia. Abbiamo creato tanti belli ricordi insieme, resterai per sempre nel mio cuore. Riposa in pace, finché ci incontreremo di nuovo. Con affetto, tua moglie Raffaela

To our dear Papa, Thank you for so many wonderful memories, all that you taught us, always being there for us and all your love. You fought so hard to stay with your family for as long as you did. Your words of wisdom will forever echo in our hearts and minds. Rest peacefully, until we meet again. Your loving children, Margherita and Raffaele, Anna Maria and Raffaele

To our dear Nonno and Bis-Nonno John, Your honesty, humility and hard-working nature will always be remembered. You were the epitome of strength and taught us so many valuable life lessons. We will forever cherish our memories with you, how blessed we were to have you for as long as we did. Your legacy will continue to live through all of us. All our love and forever in our hearts Caterina and Michael, Jennifer and Michael, Gianluca, Estella, Eva, Adrian and Mattia

11/02/1932 - 20/06/2024

Funeral Director information

Funeral by : Bowen Funerals


Email Address : service@...

Phone number : 088336...

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D'APICE, Giovanni

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