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Death & Funeral Summary

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Death & Funeral Summary

Publication: The Daily Telegraph
Date Listed: 9/11/2016

Death & Funeral Summary BALLARD, HowardBARNFIELD, Danuta BROWN, FrankCHAFFEY, Stephen KennethCHILLMAID, Noel Ralph FreelandCROFT, Ronald BruceDAVEY, Michael Gorman DAVIS, John RichardDAWSON, Peter RaymondDODGE, Kenneth John ELMER, JohnHOGG, Joan PatsyHORSKY, VladimirIRVING, Eric GeorgeJAMES, NgaireKOZLOWSKI, BronLINDSAY, Michael AndrewNICHOL, Justin POWRIE, Margaret JaneROGAN, John SALTMIRAS, BroniusSPINAZZA, BeatriceWELCH, Charles EdwardWHITE, Angela This summary is a complimentary service,Please refer to our Advertising Terms & Conditions.Please read all advertisements within the Death and Funeral Notices columns for comprehensive list.

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