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Death notice for

FEHER, Robyn Hazel (nee Clauson)

12/07/1940 - 16/01/2023
Publication: The Cairns Post
Date Listed: 8/2/2023
Location: Tinaroo

Late of Tinaroo. Passed away peacefully at Carinya on Monday 16th January 2023. Aged 82 years.

Much loved wife of Charlie. Adored Mother & Mother in Law of Donna, Craig & Rita, Amanda & Giuseppe. Beloved Granny and Great Granny. Cherished Sister and Sister in Law of June & Vito (Dec.) and Auntie to their Children.

A life of hard work, dedication to family and a heart filled with love.

A private service has been held.

12/07/1940 - 16/01/2023

Funeral Director information

Funeral by : Guilfoyle Funerals Atherton


Email Address : admin@...

Phone number : 074091...

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