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Death notice for

FISHER, Nola Margaret

13/04/1931 - 22/11/2024
Publication: The Advertiser
Date Listed: 29/11/2024
Location: Bordertown

Passed away peacefully in Bordertown, on 22 November 2024. Aged 93 years. Loving wife of Reginald (deceased). Loved mother and mother-in-law of Neil & Jenny. Loved sister and sister-in-law of Des & Thelma (dec) and Max (dec) & Heather. You have touched so many lives and your tireless dedication to the Bordertown Hospital Auxillary, Probus, Weight Watchers, Football and Golf Clubs will never be matched. ‘Forever loved’

13/04/1931 - 22/11/2024

Funeral Director information

Funeral by : Wattle Range Funerals


Phone number : 08 8733 ...

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