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Death notice for

FORD, Patricia Dorothy

10/03/1930 - 25/09/2024
Publication: Herald Sun
Date Listed: 30/9/2024
Location: Mount Waverley

My beautiful mother, you put up such a great fight towards the end.

I was privileged to have you in my life, and you will be so sadly, sadly missed.

I'm going to miss our chats, you cared so much for all those around you, we will love you forever for everything you did for us.

In the end, all I can say is - You were simply the Best!

With a broken heart I say goodbye.

Your Son Gavin

10/03/1930 - 25/09/2024

Funeral Director information

Funeral by : Le Pine Funerals Glen Waverley


Email Address : gwoffice@...

Phone number : 038587...

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