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Death notice for


22/10/1929 - 08/10/2024
Publication: The Advertiser
Date Listed: 18/10/2024
Location: Gawler

Oh me Mum, We all knew that this day would come, but we are relieved that you are now safe, happy and well again in Dad’s arms. We will miss your wonderful smile and cheeky giggles, but memories last forever. You were more than a wonderful mother, you were my best friend and confident and I will cherish our long chats together. Have a dip in the pool for Brett and a drink with us for your 95th birthday. You will remain in our thoughts and hearts forever more. We miss you Mum. All our love always, Sue and Brett xoxo

22/10/1929 - 08/10/2024

Funeral Director information

Funeral by : Taylor & Forgie: Cowan Street Gawler Funerals


Email Address : info@...

Phone number : 088522...

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