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GRIGGS, Nicholas

Death notice for

GRIGGS, Nicholas

23/01/1950 - 15/11/2024
Publication: The Mercury
Date Listed: 18/11/2024
Location: Hobart

The Tasmanian Land Surveying community acknowledges the passing of Mr Nicholas Griggs, Registered Land Surveyor, on 15 November 2024. Nick was a long time practitioner and supporter of the profession, including by the acceptance of official roles in the Institution of Surveyors Australia, Tasmania Division in the 1980s and 1990s where he was for a period of time, the President. Condolences to Nick's wife and extended family are offered on behalf of the wider profession.
Michael Giudici
Survey-General Tasmania

23/01/1950 - 15/11/2024

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GRIGGS, Nicholas

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