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LAMBERT, Robert John

Death notice for

LAMBERT, Robert John

11/06/1934 - 26/11/2024
Publication: Herald Sun
Date Listed: 21/12/2024
Location: Rosanna

As his niece and nephew, we always knew him as 'Uncle Bob'. The young brother of Kathleen, he was the only son of Robert and Mary Lambert. Bob grew up in the WA rural towns of Carnamah, Toodyay and Kalgoorlie, before returning as a young man, to Rosanna in Melb, Vic. He had a wicked sense of humour, was an accomplished pianist and was always impeccably dressed. He was a quietly spoken gentleman who travelled the world extensively after a lifelong career with the Commonwealth Bank. Bob was our 'favourite' uncle and we will miss him dearly... R.I.P. UB...
Mark and Suzey Travers

11/06/1934 - 26/11/2024

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LAMBERT, Robert John

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