Simon Townsend: Pioneer of Australian Children's Television
A tribute to Simon Townsend, creator of Wonder World, celebrating his contributions to Australian children’s television and his lasting legacy.
McCARTHY, Ivy May. Late of Cooper Street, Currajong. The Relatives and Friends of Peter McCarthy, Peter and Annette McCarthy, Bruce and Jo McCarthy, Daisy and Bill (deceased) Nuss, Glady and Bill MacDiamond, Edward (deceased) and Beverley Grubb (Brisbane), Henry Grubb, John (deceased) Grubb, Robert (deceased) Grubb, and their respective Families, are respectfully invited to attend the FUNERAL SERVICE of their loving Wife, Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Sister, Sister-in-law, Aunt and Friend IVY MAY McCARTHY which will commence at 2.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 11th JULY, 2012 at the Lakes Chapel, Morleys Funeral Home, Cnr. Hugh Street and Martinez Avenue, Townsville. NO CORTEGE No Flowers By Request donations to THE CANCER COUNCIL QLD., P.O. Box 6088, Townsville. 4810
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