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MCMAHON, Glen Frank (GF)

Death notice for

MCMAHON, Glen Frank (GF)

27/02/1937 - 22/01/2024
Publication: The Advertiser
Date Listed: 28/1/2024
Location: Adelaide

GF, the day finally came when you had to say goodbye to this world to go on to sort out the next one and catch up with Heardy, Kerls, Bob and the rest of your mates waiting there for you with a coldy. I am so glad that i got to see you before you left mate and thank you for being my second Dad and looking after me for the last 46+ years. As you said, we had a lot of fun and a few interesting times together and i would not change that for anything. My sincere condolences to Barb, David & Jane, Andy & Kat, Ali & David, Georgia, Hugh, Emily, Tom, Imogen, Rupert, Eliza, Olive, Freddy, Rex and the rest of the Family

RIP mate, gone but never forgotten

Phil B

27/02/1937 - 22/01/2024

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MCMAHON, Glen Frank (GF)

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