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Death notice for


Publication: Townsville Bulletin
Date Listed: 25/5/2019

MERVYN HERBERT FLETCHER 6.7.1935 ~ 8.5.2019 Husband to Dorothy (Doss), Father and Father-in- law to Ron, Dianne and Damion, Leisa and Tim. Grandfather to Christiane and Danielle, Hana, Madeleine, David, Isabella, Jackson, Bailey and Sullivan. Great Grandfather to Jacob and Hugo. Merv passed away peacefully at the Good Shepherd Home. We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to Lisa, Janelle and all the team of Pinnacles, Level 2, the Good Shepherd Home, who looked after Merv so well and showed such kindness. Also, to Lisa who cared for Merv and supported us on the morning of his death. We cannot tell you all enough how much we appreciate you. He loved his wife and family. He never, ever told a lie. The finest horseman. A perfectionist in all he did. Fish feared him. A private service has been held.

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