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Death notice for

WARCOK, Karol Konstanty.

Publication: The Advertiser
Date Listed: 27/3/2019
Location: Adelaide

WARCOK, Karol Konstanty.

Born in Poland on January 29, 1926. Passed away March 23, 2019.

Loving husband of Jozefa, Janina and Barbara, (all deceased).

Fantastic father to Georg (deceased), Les, Richard (deceased), Alicia and Barbara.

Amazing grandfather to Katie, Adam, Josie, Carly, Sarah, Hayden, Oliver, Tom, Claudia and Max.

Great-grandfather of six.

Fondly remembered by his Railway mates, Polish Community members, neighbours and friends.

Thanks to Alwyndor Staff for their care and attention.

Niech Spoczywa Z Bogiem

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