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Funeral notice for


Publication: The Cairns Post
Date Listed: 31/12/2022
Location: Cairns North

Margarets Funeral will be held at:

11am Thursday 5th January 2023

at Cairns Funeral Directors Chapel

36 Pease St Manoora (Cairns) QId

*We ask that you wear something bright and/or bold as Margaret would have loved*

Followed by a celebration of her life at her beautiful home at Unit 7/349-351 Lake St North Cairns amongst her artwork and gardens she was so proud of and hosted by her loving companion Bubbles the Corgi, and of course the Croser (champagne) will be flowing as she would have wanted.

For those who cannot attend in person, the ceremony will be livestreamed

(please contact Cairns Funeral Directors for a link to the ceremony)


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