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Funeral notice for

DARLING, Brenda Doreen

Publication: Centralian Advocate
Date Listed: 21/3/2019

DARLING, Brenda Doreen (Formerly Stancliffe, Formerly Borthwick, Née Walker) THE RELATIVES and FRIENDS of Mrs Brenda Doreen Darling, late of Tumby Bay are respectfully informed that a Celebration of Life Service will be conducted at the Tumby Bay RSL, TOMORROW, FRIDAY March 22nd, 2019 at 1.00pm At the conclusion of the Service, the Cortège will then proceed to the Tumby Bay Cemetery. In lieu of floral tributes, donations in Brenda s memory may be made towards a Memorial plaque to be put up at the Tumby Bay Hospital. A donation box will be available at the Service. WILLIAMS FUNERAL SERVICES PORT LINCOLN 8683 ... MEMBER A.F.D.A.

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