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HIRST, Ellen Grace (nee Wooderson)

Funeral notice for

HIRST, Ellen Grace (nee Wooderson)

Publication: Townsville Bulletin
Date Listed: 27/5/2016

ELLENGRACEHIRST(NEEWOODERSON)QFX50008Late of Kirwan and formerly of Wilburra Downs,Richmond. Loving Wife of Dennis (deceased).Loving Mother, Mother-in-Law and Grandmotherof Noela Hirst, David Hirst, Lloyd and SharynHirst, Aidan and Cassandra Hirst.All Relatives and Friends of the Wooderson andHirst families are respectfully invited to attend theFUNERAL SERVICE of the late ELLEN GRACEHIRST which will commence at 2.00 p.m. TODAYFRIDAY AFTERNOON 27th MAY, 2016 at theLakes Chapel, Morleys Funeral Home, Cnr. HughStreet and Martinez Avenue, Townsville.NO CORTEGEJubilee Bowls ClubMembers of the above are respectfully invited toattend the Funeral Service of their late Patronessand Member ELLEN HIRST which will commenceas above. Please wear uniforms.Tony WardSecretary.Lawn Bowls Past Presidents' Association(North Queensland Branch)Members of the above are respectfully invited toattend the Funeral Service of their late MemberELLEN HIRST which will commence as above.Please wear uniforms.Tony WardHon. Sec

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HIRST, Ellen Grace (nee Wooderson)

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