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Funeral notice for


27/11/1933 - 28/06/2024
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Publication: Herald Sun
Date Listed: 5/7/2024
Location: Mount Waverley

It is with much sadness to advise that Clyde Robert Laidlaw passed away on the 28 of June 2024, loved by Judy (deceased), his children Mark, Ross, Andrew and Jane, his grand children Sam, Harriet, Jessica, Phoebe, Jack, Anna, Grace, Clara, Matilda, Ollie, Eloise, Henry and 8 great grand children. He lived life to the fullest with determination and willingness to succeed. You are now with your beloved Judy. Rest in peace.

The funeral will be held at the Uniting Church High St Road Mount Waverley at 2 pm on Wednesday the 24 July 2024.

27/11/1933 - 28/06/2024

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