Simon Townsend: Pioneer of Australian Children's Television
A tribute to Simon Townsend, creator of Wonder World, celebrating his contributions to Australian children’s television and his lasting legacy.
Date of Funeral: 25/03/2021
GOLDSPINK, Marjorie Colleen
Late of Park Ridge Passed away 16 March 2021 Wife of Derrel, and formerly of Eric (Dec’d) Mother of John, Mother-in-law of Yai, Grandmother of Eric. A caring woman – loved by all. Funeral service will be held Thurs 25 March 2pm at Heritage Park Crematorium Chapel, Goodna.
Funeral by : George Hartnett Metropolitan Funerals Regents Park
Website: https://www.ghmfunerals.com.au
Email Address : QLDBrisbaneSouth@...
Phone number : 130066...
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