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Funeral notice for

MAZZOLINI, Fidelma Caterina “Delma”

Publication: The Cairns Post
Date Listed: 30/3/2022
Location: Kanimbla

Late of Kanimbla. Formerly of Atherton and Babinda. Passed away peacefully at home with her beloved Daughter Laura by her side on the 24th of March 2022, aged 96 years. Much loved Wife of Isaia (dec). loving Sister, Sister-in-law and Aunt of Antonio (dec), Elsa (dec), Firminia, Valentina (dec) and their families. Dearly loved friend of many.

Relatives and friends of Delma are respectfully invited to attend her funeral service which is appointed to move from St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Mabel St. Atherton Friday, 1st of April 2022 after a Requiem Mass commencing at 1.30pm for interment in the Atherton cemetery.

Funeral Director information

Funeral by : Guilfoyle Funerals Atherton


Email Address : admin@...

Phone number : 074091...


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