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RAMSAY, Robert John Stambury

Funeral notice for

RAMSAY, Robert John Stambury

19/06/1940 - 06/10/2023
Publication: The Daily Telegraph
Date Listed: 11/10/2023
Location: Sydney

Bob passed away peacefully
at home with his beloved wife Wendy
and sons Richard and Matthew and
grand children Tom and Jessica by his side.

A kind, gentle loving Man to the end.
Funeral will take place Monday the
16th of October at St Mary's Anglican Church Birrell
St Bondi Junction at 11 am.

A wake will be held following the service atNew South Wales Golf Club La Perouse at 1 pm.

A place he loved and cherished.

All welcome

19/06/1940 - 06/10/2023

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RAMSAY, Robert John Stambury

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