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Funeral notice for

ROWE, Richard James

06/05/1948 - 04/04/2023
Publications: The Cairns Post, Townsville Bulletin
Date Listed: 8/4/2023
Location: Peeramon

Passed away suddenly on Tuesday 4th April at his home in Peeramon, Atherton Tablelands, Queensland aged 74 years.

Much loved eldest son of the late Tasman and Nancy. Beloved brother of David, Peter, and Diney. Esteemed brother-in-law of Deborah, Ruth and Paul. Cherished "eccentric professor" and uncle of his nieces and nephews. Very much respected by his academic colleagues at James Cook University and treasured by the many students to whom he wholeheartedly devoted his life. Will be greatly missed by his friends and relatives worldwide. A most worthwhile life dedicated to the study, teaching and advancement of entomology. Chasing dragonflies forever.

Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend Richard's service which is to be held on Friday 14th April 2023 at Guilfoyle Funeral Chapel, 3 Nasser Road, Atherton. Commencing at 2.00pm

Richard's service will be available to view through the following link:

All correspondence to The Rowe Families at PO Box 28-449, Remuera, Auckland 1541

06/05/1948 - 04/04/2023

Funeral Director information

Funeral by : Guilfoyle Funerals Atherton


Email Address : admin@...

Phone number : 074091...


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