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VALASTRO - Michael John

Funeral notice for

VALASTRO - Michael John

Publication: Townsville Bulletin
Date Listed: 28/7/2015

VALASTRO - Michael JohnAge 46 Late of InghamThe Relatives and Friends of Alfio (deceased) andRosa Valastro, Stephen (deceased), Jason and Rita,Raymond and Josephine and Robert and Jenna arerespectfully invited to attend the FUNERAL of their latedearly beloved Son, Brother, Brother-in-law, Nephew,Cousin and Friend MICHAEL JOHN VALASTRO,which is appointed to move from St. Patrick's CatholicChurch, Abbott Street, Ingham, after a SERVICEcommencing at 9.00am FRIDAY 31 st JULY 2015, forinterment in the Catholic Section of the New InghamCemetery.

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VALASTRO - Michael John

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