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WEETMAN, Joan Margaret (nee Holthouse)

Funeral notice for

WEETMAN, Joan Margaret (nee Holthouse)

Publication: Townsville Bulletin
Date Listed: 21/11/2015

JOAN MARGARETWEETMAN(NEE) HOLTHOUSELate of Garden Settlement Nursing Home.Passed away peacefully on Tuesday, 17thNovember 2015 at the Townsville Hospital aged90 years. Much Loved Wife of Bill (deceased)and Allan (deceased). Loving Mother andMother-in-law of John and Maree, Peter, Anneand Jeff. A loving Grandmother and GreatGrandmother.~ Always Remembered with Love ~Relatives and Friends are respectfully invited toattend the CELEBRATION of JOAN'S LIFE whichwill be held at the Lakes Chapel, Morleys FuneralHome, Cnr. Hugh Street and Martinez Avenue,Townsville commencing at 1:00 p.m. onMONDAY AFTERNOON 23rd NOVEMBER, 2015.NO CORTEG

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WEETMAN, Joan Margaret (nee Holthouse)

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