Alwin Claude Mengel
Alwin Claude Mengel was born on the 19th Nov 1943 in Toowoomba.

A eulogy for Kevin 'Curly' Campbell" spoken Saturday, 7th May 2022 at Kurrawa Beach, QLD
- by Kirsten Jakubenko, Kevin's Grandaughter
I really miss you Poppa and I wish you were still here. Life goes on I know but already things seem so out of place now that you're not here. An empty chair here today, a grandparents visit to Ferny Grove, now half of what I've ever known. Although it's really painful to think that you are gone - it's been 134 days to be exact and still we mourn. When all is said and done however, I know - we know, that you are in a more comfortable and restful place.
We will never forget you Poppa and we will never really be a part, because all the treasured memories we hold so dear will keep you forever in our hearts. I want to thank you for - and I'm sure my siblings and cousins especially will agree, for:
The Ekka show bags you bought for us each year - truly one of the best childhood memories. You never missed an opportunity to spoil us at Easter and Christmas too, and once those great grandkids came along you started spoiling them all too (even if they were 9 months old and couldn't even eat them).
Thank you Grandma and you both for making it feel so special when I would come over and stay awhile, when I was oh so little. I remember being asked what I wanted for dinner and I always oddly wanted egg soldiers. Now a Mum myself, I bet you both loved my very simple request.
What I remember loving most though, was how the table was neatly set upon rising in the morning. Bowls turned over, cereal boxes at the centre and that timber sugar bowl with fancy silver spoon glimmering in the morning sunlight. The smell of sausage and onion gravy cooking on the morning stove and both your warm and loving faces smiling back at me. Thank you Poppa and Grandma for making visits to your home oh so very special.
Thank you for spray painting the dolls on your sliding glass doors. I vividly remember this being done to ensure I wouldn't completely knock myself out the next time I would mistakenly run into that door.
Thank you for every single home ice cream ice block that you ever bought. The Bowen mango ones are still my fave and when I hear the ice-cream bell in my own neighbourhood, it reminds me of the fun times shared at your and Grandma's place.
Thank you for all the scares during our holidays away, you got us good downstairs in Caloundra I believe it may.
Most of all thank you for always making me feel so very loved. You were always so proud of me and my goodness did I feel it every day.
Thank you for sharing all your love to each and every one of your grandkids and great-grandkids. I loved seeing your face light up when you would cast your eyes on Emily and Charlie. My only wish is that they got to spend more time with you. But don't worry, I will share my pictures and stories so they know exactly how amazing I thought you were and how much I loved you.
Thank you for sharing stories of your life, and all the people in it. I especially loved the one you shared on what was to be your second last hospital visit. I asked how you met Grandma and recorded it so I could keep it forever. As hard as it was for you to speak you said:
"I first met your grandmother when Beverley was about 4 year old. I knew them (the family) for a while. Beverley used to come up to me and say, please-thank-you Kevin will you push me on the swing"
Grandma, as much as it was hard work towards the later years. Poppa admired, loved and appreciated every thing about you.
Fast forward to the very last moment I was so very lucky enough to spend with you. I whispered softly into your ear and said:
"I love how you always recalled the very moment I was born. You said that Oma, Christina, when she came out of the delivery room said: "Oh Curly, she's perfect, she's beautiful, just like you Curly".
You looked so lovingly into my eyes and replied with a beautiful, big tear in your eye "I remember it like it was yesterday sweetheart" and I kissed you on the forehead and said my very last goodbye.
I will miss you so very much Poppa. Thank you for the 41 years I got to spend with you. I'll keep moving forward knowing you will always be a part of me.
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